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How to Revive an Aloe Vera From Rot

Aloe vera plants do not need a lot of care. When overwatered, however, they develop rot. The plants show signs of disease when the leaves start to rot or develop black spots on them. Not all plants can recover from root rot. Keep them in a warm location with plenty of sun, to help dry the soil, and water carefully. In case the plant isn't going to make it, you'll need to use some of the healthy leaves to grow into a new aloe vera plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp knife
  • Well-draining soil
  • Pot
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      Stop watering the plant immediately. Allow the soil to dry completely before watering again. The pot feels light and dry when the soil is completely dry. Aloe vera is a succulent, so it is part of the cactus family and needs very little water. Do not let the aloe vera sit in water.

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      Cut one or two healthy leaves from the aloe vera plant using a sharp, smooth knife. Leave the stems to dry for a day or two to prevent any root rot.

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      Press the aloe vera leaves in fresh, well-draining soil so you can start a new plant. Care for this new plant by watering it every two or three weeks in the summer and once a month in the winter. Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering. Aloe vera does not need fertilizer.