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How to Keep the Leaves of Philodendron Plants Shiny

Philodendrons are the closest thing to a sure bet when it comes to houseplants because they require little maintenance and thrive in low light. This doesn't mean you can ignore them completely. The large leaves of most philodendron varieties are naturally a deep, glossy green, but this surface can become dull and discolored through improper care or the collection of dirt. By watering the plant correctly and providing the right amount of sun, the plant keeps its natural shine and color, which you may consider enhancing with proper application of commercial products.

Things You'll Need

  • Damp cloth
  • Leaf shine (optional)
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      Keep the plant out of direct sunlight. Direct sun can cause the leaves to scorch, which will make them turn brown.

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      Water frequently enough to keep the soil moist during the growing season, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings in winter. Overwatering may cause the leaves to yellow.

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      Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth once a week. The leaves are large and flat, and can easily collect dust.

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      Wipe the leaves with a cloth moistened with a plant leaf shine product whenever they become dull, if desired. Do not wipe the underside of the leaves with any leaf shine to avoid clogging the stomata, pores through which the plants exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide and release water.