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How to Grow a Baby Jade

Jade plants are succulents with smooth, firm leaves that grow slowly up to 12 feet. They are propagated through cuttings that take up to two months to root and turn into baby jade plants. However, once you have you little plant underway it will happily live in most growing conditions. If you don't overwater the baby jade and give it enough light, you will have a plant that grows steadily.

Things You'll Need

  • Sterile sand
  • Small pot and larger pot
  • Plastic bag
  • Sharp knife
  • Hormone rooting powder
  • Spray bottle
  • Twist tie
  • Liquid fertilizer
  • Potting soil for succulents
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    • 1

      Fill a small pot with sterile sand and water it so all of the sand is moist. Let the excess water run through.

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      Open a clear plastic bag and set the pot in the bottom with the bag folded down around it.

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      Cut a healthy stem with leaves from a mother jade and remove any leaves near the cut. Press the stem into hormone powder so it is lightly dusted, then push it into the moist sand.

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      Mist the surface of the sand with a spray bottle and pull the bag up over the plant, securing it with a twist tie. This keeps the humidity in so the plant won't dry out. Keep the plant moist as the roots start to form by watering the sand and misting inside the bag.

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      Set the pot in a location with indirect sunlight. Too much sun will kill the plant. Choose a location that is regularly between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit if possible.

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      Remove the plastic cover after four to six weeks. At this time the jade will have formed roots. Plant the jade in a new pot with potting soil designed for succulents. Use a pot the same size as the original one. Jades like to be slightly root bound so don't upgrade the pot until you have to. Fertilize it with a general, liquid fertilizer diluted by half so it doesn't overloaded with nutrients.

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      Continue caring for the jade by fertilizing it with a liquid fertilizer from April to October. Water it when the soil is almost completely dry. Push a finger in the soil.; the top inch should be dry before watering. Do not let the plant sit in a tray of water. Keep the jade in indirect sunlight.