Home Garden

Interior Yucca Plant Care

Yuccas are grown in the home for their architectural shapes, and tolerance of low humidity and neglect. Choose a yucca for indoor use that doesn't have sharp spines on the end of its leaves. Yuccas suitable for indoor cultivation include the spineless yucca (Yucca elephantipes or Y. guatemalens), curve-leaf yucca (Y. recurvifolia) and the Spanish dagger (Y. gloriosa). Some can reach up to 30 feet with leaves 4 feet long, but container grow yuccas tend to be smaller.
  1. Position

    • Place your yucca in the brightest available spot in your home. A west- or south-facing window that receives direct sunshine is ideal. They grow well at temperatures ranging from 65 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.


    • Water your yucca when the top inch of its compost is completely dry. Aim to thoroughly soak the compost and allow all excess water to drain away. Never leave yuccas standing in water as their roots are vulnerable to rot. Reduce the amount of water during the coldest months of the year, aiming to moisten rather than soak the soil. Keep the foliage dry during watering to prevent unsightly leaf spots.


    • Fertilize yuccas once every three months with a slow release fertilizer. The University of Florida's IFAS Extension experts recommend 7 grams of slow release 19-6-12 fertilizer per 8-inch pot, every three months. Choose a feed that is enriched with micronutrients.


    • Repot your yucca when it becomes top heavy or its roots start to grow out of its container's drainage hole. Choose a heavy ceramic pot to prevent your yucca from toppling. Plant yuccas in a peat-based compost mixed with 25 percent sand for support and drainage.


    • Indoor yuccas are vulnerable to infestation by scale insects and mealy bugs. Scales look like small, immobile bumps on the leaves while mealy bugs resemble small, mobile blobs of cotton wool. Treat both by dabbing them with a paintbrush dipped in rubbing alcohol. Monitor your yucca for several weeks to make sure that you have completely eliminated the pests.