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My Anthurium Flamingo Is Not Blooming

Anthurium flamingo flowers are ornamental plants with large, white, pink, orange or red flowers that look like a spoon. The shiny, green, arrow-shaped leaves surround the flower stalks that display the colorful flowers. Once the anthurium flamingo has matured, it will bloom throughout the year. When plants fail to bloom or have very few blooms, it can be one of many reasons that you need to correct so the plant will flower.
  1. Soil

    • The ideal soil for the anthurium flamingo is equal parts of perlite, pine bark and peat moss. The soil must have good drainage. If you use a soil that doesn’t drain very well, the plant will get stressed because of wet roots. This prevents the plant from producing flowers. Plants should not be repotted into a larger container until the roots completely fill the container.


    • Plants need one application of water-soluble fertilizer 20-10-15 to one-fourth the strength once a month. Once every three months, leech the soil to remove the soluble salts that will build up in the soil from the fertilizer. Flamingo flowers are not tolerant of salt, and flowering will be reduced when the plant cannot absorb the nutrients needed for flowering because of the salt in the soil.


    • Light is a major contributor in whether or not the plant will flower. Anthurium flamingo flowers prefer bright light, but not direct sunlight. Keep the plant in front of an eastern window with filtered light. If the light level is low, flowering will be affected.


    • Allowing the soil to dry out completely between each watering will cause growth and flowering to cease or slow down. Flamingo flowers need moist soil, but before each watering, the soil must be slightly dry. If the plant has wet soil all the time, the roots can rot, and plant health will decline. Leaf tips will turn brown if the plant doesn’t receive enough water.

    Temperature and Humidity

    • The humidity around the anthurium flamingo must be at least 50 percent. A drainage tray, filled with water and gravel, sitting underneath the plant container, will provide enough humidity to promote healthy growth and flowering. The temperatures must be between 78 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Extreme cold or hot temperatures will inhibit or even stop flowering.