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How to Care for Potted Anthuriums

Anthuriums often reward your basic care by blooming prolifically throughout the entire year. With their signature heart-shaped foliage and colorful blooms, anthuriums grow energetically when you provide the correct temperature, light and moisture conditions. Care for potted anthuriums with attention to the nutrients you provide. With regular fertilization, the plant should be able to sustain prolonged flowers to provide vivid colors.

Things You'll Need

  • Rich potting media (perlite, peat moss and pine bark)
  • Growing container (with drainage hole)
  • General fertilizer
  • Shallow dish
  • Stones
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      Use equal parts of perlite, peat moss and pine bark to fill a growing container just slightly larger than the root system of the anthurium. Plant the anthurium in the container and cover the roots with media to fill the container to the rim.

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      Place the anthurium in a location that receives indirect sunlight to produce regular blossoms. The ideal growing temperature is between 78 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and between 70 and 75 F overnight.

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      Provide water for the plant after it dries slightly. Add enough water to saturate the soil, allow the water to drain and then allow the plant to dry again slightly before you water it again.

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      Use general houseplant fertilizer, diluting it to approximately one-quarter strength. Fertilize the anthurium plant twice each month by pouring the fertilizer over the soil carefully.

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      Flush the potting soil to remove accumulated salts when you notice salt developing over the soil surface. Place the container in a shallow dish and saturate the soil well to flush out the salts accumulating in the soil.

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      Move the container to a humid location if you notice the growth slowing and the leaf tips drying out. Another option for adding more humidity to the plant's environment is to place it in a shallow dish filled with stones and water.