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How to Grow a Croton Plant in Water

The croton is an evergreen shrub native in southern Asia, Indonesia and other Eastern Pacific islands. The leaves come in a variety of color combinations from red, yellow, purple, pink, orange and green. The shiny, leathery leaves come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are more than a hundred different croton to choose from. It is a tropical plant that loves water, and throughout the U.S. many people grow it grow indoors.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp knife or scissors
  • Powdered charcoal
  • Mister
  • Water-soluble fertilizer
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    • 1

      Examine the croton to find a healthy greenwood stem or a stem with new growth. This means that when you bend the stem, it will not crack or break.

    • 2

      Cut a 4- to 5-inch length of stem. Cut the stem right below the leaf node, where the leaf emerges from the stem.

    • 3

      Remove all the leaves except for the top two.

    • 4

      Dip the end of the cutting into powdered charcoal to stop the bleeding.

    • 5

      Fill a glass with water and insert the cutting or cuttings into the water. The glass should be short so the bottom of the cutting can rest at the bottom, but the top leaves of the plant remain above the rim of the glass.

    • 6

      Place the glass in a window that receives dappled sunlight. The area should remain around 70 degrees F. Crotons lose their leaves when the air temperature is too cold or if there is not at least four hours of sun exposure. Change the water when it becomes green or smells bad.

    • 7

      Mist the foliage daily with warm water.

    • 8

      Feed the croton with a water-soluble fertilizer. Apply according to label directions.