Home Garden

How to Revive Frozen Wilted House Plants

Most houseplants are native to the tropics and are a bit finicky about the temperature. When the temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, plant cells rupture and the plant begins to die. Whether you can save the plant depends on the plant variety and how long it was exposed to cold temperatures. Bring it indoors, and set it in a warm place. If the entire plant becomes wilted and blackened within a day or two it is probably dead, but continue to care for it if you see any green leaves or stems.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand pruning shears
  • Balanced houseplant fertilizer
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      Bring the houseplant indoors if it is outside, and place it in a warm room with natural light. The warmth encourages the plant to begin to heal.

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      Water the plant as you normally would. Do not over water it, which will cause the roots to rot.

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      Prune the plant after a few days with sharp hand pruners to remove any dead leaves and branches. Cut out leaves and branches that are wilted and brown, cutting back to just above a healthy, green stem. Waiting a few days ensures that you won't remove parts that are damaged but still alive.

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      Fertilize the plant with a balanced houseplant fertilizer, according to package directions, two weeks later if the plant is showing new growth and appears healthy. Fertilizing a plant that is struggling will stress it further by encouraging new growth.