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How to Make Your Hindu Rope Plant Flower

Hindu rope plant is a wax plant in the same family as milkweed. The leaves are large, thick and covered with a waxy cuticle. This cuticle gives the leaves their luster. The leaves of the rope plant grow along a vine and curl, cup and distort, giving the plant an overall twisted appearance, much like a length of rope. The flowers are clusters of stars and are pink or white. The leaves can be solid or variegated green with tones of white, red and pink.


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      Check that your rope plant has the leafless stubs, also known as spurs, still intact from the previous year. If these have been removed, your plant will not bloom.

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      Water thoroughly for healthy bloom, allowing the plant to dry out almost completely between deep waterings. Lack of water may cause the plant to go into early dormancy and not bloom.

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      Allow your plant to become root bound for the best flowers. Root bound means that the plant is close to outgrowing its current pot.

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      Fertilize the rope plant with a food diluted to half strength with water. Feed every two months through the growing season, which is the spring and summer.