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Indoor Germinating for Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna pruriens is commonly called cowitch or velvet bean. It is a tropical vining legume that produces purple or white flowers followed by 2- to 5-inch long bean pods. Velvet bean is commonly grown as a green manure crop or for animal feed. While usually seeded directly into the garden or field, Mucuna pruriens seeds can be germinated indoors.
  1. Soil Temperature

    • Mucuna pruriens seeds need warm soil temperatures to germinate. In cold-winter climates with short growing seasons, they are not likely to germinate unless they are planted in late spring or early summer. The soil must be 65 to 70 degrees F. and remain at those temperatures or higher for the seed to germinate. Start the seed indoors in late winter or early spring and transplant the seedlings outdoors after all danger of frost has passed.


    • Mucuna pruriens seeds are in a dormant state when they are sold. In order to overcome this dormant state, their hard outer coating must be scarified to allow the seeds to germinate. Many types of seeds are scarified by simply nicking the outer coating with a sharp knife and then soaking the seeds in water. This technique is not reliably successful with Mucuna pruriens seeds. The most reliable technique for these seeds is sanding the outer shell for about 20 minutes with fine-grit sandpaper. They should not be soaked prior to sowing as this will commonly cause these seeds to rot.

    Potting Mix

    • A peat-based potting mix that contains compost, organic matter and sand, perlite or vermiculite for good drainage should be used for germinating the Mucuna pruriens seeds. Cowitch plants are fairly tolerant of sandy soils that are low in nutrients; however, they grow best in fertile soil that is high in organic matter. Germinating the seeds in a potting mix that is high in nutrients and organic matter will give the seedlings a good, strong start. Moisten the potting mix thoroughly before planting the seeds.

    Seed Planting

    • Either 3-inch pots or a rectangular 3- to 4-inch deep flat with drain holes in the bottom can be used as containers to germinate the seeds. The seeds should be planted 1/4- to 1/2-deep in the potting mix with the eye on the seed facing down. Space the seeds three to four inches apart when planting them in a flat or rectangular container. The soil must be kept warm, which may require a heat coil or warming mat beneath the containers. Warming can also be accomplished by setting the containers on an appliance that stays warm or by placing lights below the containers. Consistent soil temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees F are best for quick germination.

    Light and Water

    • The containers should be kept in a bright location but not in direct sunlight. Water them from below when the top of the soil begins to dry. Growers should do this by setting the containers in a few inches of warm water until the water soaks up to the top of the soil. The water should be 75 to 80 degrees F to avoid chilling the soil. The Mucuna pruriens seeds may germinate within two weeks but can take as long as three months.