Home Garden

Dracaena Rikki Care

Dracaena "Rikki" is a hardy, leafy plant that is popular for display indoors as it requires little light and may flourish even in a dim office environment. The plant features long leaves that extend from the base and grow up to several feet in length. It is valued not only for its aesthetic appeal, but also because it serves as an air cleaner, making it a potentially health-promoting addition to your home or office space.
  1. Watering

    • Dracena "Rikki" doesn’t require much attention. You may water it once a week as it does not require a constant level of moisture to survive. The plant will suffer more from over-watering than from under-watering, so making and keeping a relatively consistent watering schedule is key.

    Pebble Tray

    • Placing the container housing the plant in a tray filled with pebbles and water helps to ensure proper soil moisture and humidity in the surrounding area. The plant's container should have a hole in the bottom. Add water to the tray instead of to the plant itself, allowing the plant to suck up water as necessary.


    • Feeding is required once a year. Plan your feeding for the spring time. Insert a stick of plant food into the soil on your chosen date, or sprinkle some granules of plant food on the top of the soil before watering as the water will drive the food down into the soil.

    Color Maintenance

    • Generally, the Dracena "Rikki" has variegated leaves of green and yellow. If the plant starts to lose this desired variegation, move it to a setting with lower light. Sometimes, excessive light exposure may cause the plant to turn all green instead of having variations in hues. This situation is an easy one to remedy and requires only a change in environment.