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How to Grow a Cactus and Succulents in Terrariums

A terrarium is any glass enclosure for keeping plants or small land animals. Plants that require little water and soil, such as cacti and succulents, thrive in terrarium environments. Setting up a terrarium is simple, and maintenance is easy.

Things You'll Need

  • Terrarium
  • Pebbles or gravel
  • Potting soil
  • Plants
  • Equal parts N-P-K fertilizer
  • Watering can
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    • 1

      Add a thin layer of pebbles or gravel to the bottom of your terrarium.

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      Add potting soil to your terrarium until it reaches about halfway up the height of your terrarium.

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      Plant your cacti or succulents into the potting soil. You can add one plant or a few in each terrarium.

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      You can cover the top of the soil with decorative pebbles for an added stylistic touch.

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      Store the terrarium in an area that receives a moderate amount of sunlight. If your plants begin looking washed out or faded, then they're receiving too much light.

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      Check the water level by sticking your fingers into the soil every day or so. If the soil is very dry, add a little water. If the soil feels moist to the touch, leave the plants alone for another day.

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      Add one part fertilizer to four parts water in a watering can. Mix the solution. Water your plants with this instead of plain water once per week.