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Roebelin Palm Tree Care

You may know the miniature Roebelin palm, or Phoenix robelenii, as the pygmy date palm. The plant from North Laos and Vietnam takes as long as 50 years to reach a maximum height of 8 feet. The Roebelin palm’s narrow leaves are green year-round. In the summer, the plant also produces yellow flowers that give way to black fruit in the fall. The Roebelin palm is cold-tender. Grow it as a houseplant.
  1. Soil

    • Grow Roebelin palm in a mixture of compost and soil, sometimes referred to as loam-based compost to differentiate it from a peat-based medium. The organic matter gives the soil the well-drained structure the palm requires. This plant also adapts to clay and sandy soils, as well as to any pH, according to the Royal Horticultural Society.


    • Place the planter by an east-facing window for the indirect morning light and afternoon shade. If your home does not offer this option, arrange for the palm to be shielded from the hot sun. One alternative is to install a sheer curtain by a west-facing window before moving the pot close to it. The pygmy date palm needs bright light and protection from the sun's rays.


    • Irrigate the palm to maintain the soil consistently moist in the spring and summer. Reduce the water in the fall. In winter, water the plant occasionally when the soil becomes dry several inches below the surface.


    • The Roebelin palm extracts nutrients from the loamy soil you planted it in. Supplement nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium once monthly. Feed the pygmy date palm a houseplant fertilizer that contains these three minerals. Apply it at the rate listed on the product label.