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How to Grow Tillandsia Usneoides Inside

Tillandsia usneoides, also known as Spanish moss, is a member of the bromeliad family. Spanish moss, an epiphytic plant that uses scaly stems to grab onto tree branches, has no roots and absorbs water and nutrients from the air through its stems and long, wiry leaves. Spanish moss is native to Florida, where it grows on trees and can reach lengths of 20 feet. As with most bromeliads, Tillandsia usneoides is easy to grow and even thrives indoors.


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      Select a site that gets full sun with summer temperatures of 70 degrees Fahrenheit or higher and at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit in winter.

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      Spread the moss stems out over the substrate you're attaching it to and secure it with fishing line craft glue, twine or wire. Avoid using copper wire. How you attach Spanish moss depends on the substrate, or growing foundation. Common substrates are old logs, driftwood, rocks or even chains. Use what works best for you and hide the attachment point with sphagnum moss. Ensure water doesn't pool where the moss is attached to the substrate and handle the moss as little as possible to avoid damaging it.

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      Mist your Spanish moss weekly. Texas A&M University recommends the occasional addition of diluted fish emulsion to the misting water.