Home Garden

How to Add Humidity to an Indoor Soil Garden With Pebbles

Many houseplants are tropical varieties. These plants prefer humid conditions, which aren't available in most homes. Plants growing in soil receive some humidity as moisture in the soil evaporates, but the amount is small. Overwatering the soil doesn't raise the humidity and can result in root rot. Setting the plants in water helps raise the humidity around them, but the soil may absorb too much water from the tray through the pot's drainage holes. A pebble-filled tray provides moisture without over-wetting the soil.

Things You'll Need

  • Tray
  • Pebbles
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    • 1

      Select a water-tight tray larger than the pot. Use multiple pots on top a single large tray, if desired, or use the drip tray that came with the pot.

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      Fill the tray with a 1- to 2-inch layer of clean pebbles or gravel. The pebble layer must sit lower than the sides of the tray.

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      Add water to the tray. Use enough water so the level sits just beneath the top of the pebbles; do not fully submerge the top layer of pebbles.

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      Set the plant container on top the tray. The water in the pebble layer provides moisture as it evaporates.

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      Replenish the water in the pebble layer of the tray every three to five days as the moisture evaporates. Empty and rinse the tray and pebbles with clear water monthly so mold and mildew don't begin growing on the pebbles.