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How to Grow Lavender for Commercial Sale

Lavender is a highly aromatic herb used in a variety of industries. Lavender has few pests or diseases, making it a sustainable crop that does not need pesticides or large amounts of fertilizer. Grow lavender commercially and make a variety of products that can be sold at fairs, festivals or on-site. Alternatively, grow a crop and sell it to other commercial businesses for use in products. Choose from many cultivars of lavender, depending on your region, weather and growing conditions, to obtain a bountiful crop for marketing.

Things You'll Need

  • Rototiller
  • Soil amendments
  • Lavender plants or plugs
  • White marble chips
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    • 1

      Do your research and understand your product and industry. Go to conferences and workshops and talk to other lavender farmers. Investigate the varieties of plants and their specific properties and uses in value-added lavender products such as aromatherapy, culinary and decorative uses before committing to a growing plan.

    • 2

      Design a business plan that encompasses all aspects of a commercial business. Consider marketing, advertising, sales, equipment, employees and your customer base. Determine if you will be making products to sell locally, online, by catalog or if you will be selling the crop to manufacturers in other industries.

    • 3

      Find a suitable location for growing the lavender plants you have selected. Understand the growing conditions of your cultivars, the growing seasons of your location and your climate. Determine if you will have year-round or seasonal periods of production and sales. Different varieties of lavender will yield varied amounts of flowers, so choosing varieties that provide adequate quantities for your purposes is important.

    • 4

      Prepare the location for planting. Till the soil well, at least 18 inches deep. Build up the soil to 6 inches above ground with an equal mix of sand, loam and clay soil. The raised bed will allow proper drainage necessary to keep roots from rotting.

    • 5

      Purchase the lavender plants or plugs from a reputable dealer. Select the appropriate varieties at the correct planting times for your region.

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      Add a layer of white marble chips at the base of the plants. This reflects the sun into the dense plantings and keeps the plant dry. Lavender prefers drier soil to soggy areas.

    • 7

      Harvest your crop of lavender according to your cultivar and your usage. Prepare for eventual shipping of the product to manufacturers and distributors, according to predetermined timetables.