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What Are the Dangers of Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets?

Taking apple cider vinegar tablets has been praised for a variety of ailments. From weight loss to helping stop headaches or cure heartburn, apple cider vinegar has received an unproven claim to fame. However, what many are not aware of is that taking apple cider vinegar tablets over long periods of time may actually be more harmful than helpful to a person's health.
  1. Stomach, Throat and Esophagus Irritation

    • Though some swear by apple cider vinegar for relieving heartburn or indigestion, taking these tablets too frequently may have the opposite effects. Apple cider vinegar tablets are very acidic, which can lead to severe irritation of the stomach, throat or esophagus. As the tablets dissolve when being swallowed, acid deposits may be left in the throat or esophagus and cause burns and irritation. This acid may also irritate the lining of the stomach and cause discomfort that is similar to heartburn or indigestion.

    Risks for Diabetics

    • Chromium is an ingredient found in apple cider vinegar tablets. This ingredient is known for affecting the insulin levels of the body. For diabetics, this can be especially dangerous. When diabetics take these tablets, they may find it even more difficult to keep their insulin levels at a healthy rate. The chromium in these tablets may cause the insulin levels to drop or increase substantially.

    Mineral Deficiency

    • Taking apple cider vinegar tablets may also be unsafe for those who suffer from osteoporosis. This supplement can cause a loss of potassium, which may weaken bones. For this reason, it is very important for people with brittle bones to first consult a physician before beginning an apple cider vinegar tablet regimen.

    Interaction with Medication

    • Apple cider vinegar may also interact with certain medications. They may cause those medications to not work properly to control the symptoms they are prescribed for. This can be an extreme health risk for those who are on long-term or permanent medications. It is best to ask your physician if apple cider vinegar can affect your medications before taking these tablets.