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Why Is My Rosemary Wilting?

Rosemary plants grow well as long as you care for them properly, but planting times and specific care can vary depending on your climate. Your plant may need more watering if you live a dry area. When you notice wilting, make changes to correct the problem because wilting indicates a missing element. The plant may not have enough water or adequate light, which can cause growth restrictions and wilting.
  1. Sunlight

    • Wilting can indicate that your plant isn't getting enough sunlight. The University of Tennessee says rosemary grows best in full sun, but it can tolerate partial shade. Place potted rosemary plants in front of a window and plant outdoor rosemary in a sunny spot within your garden. Rosemary can grow under black lights, blue light or other types of grow light as long as the light remains above the plant for at least eight hours each day.


    • Garden pets such as spider mites, white-flies and mealybugs can affect how well rosemary plants grow. Check the plant to see if it's infested with bugs. Reduce bad pests by putting beneficial insects in your garden such as ladybugs or rove beetles. Beneficial bugs don't harm plants, but they do eat bad insects that like to take over rosemary and other plants. Natural pest control products such as neem or garlic sprays are an alternative.

    Soil Conditions

    • Check the soil conditions to ensure that your rosemary plant is getting adequate nutrition from the soil. Rosemary plants grow best in well-drained soil that has a pH range from 5 to 8, according to the University of Tennessee. Soil preparation beforehand can affect how well your rosemary plants grow. Till the ground 10 or more inches deep and remove large rocks. Add five or more inches of compost or some type of fertilizer and check the pH before you transplant rosemary.


    • Wilting can also result from not enough water. Water your plants with 2 or more inches of pure water until the soil is moist. Water every day until the plant perks up. The Bonnie Plant website says to allow the soil to dry in between waterings. Check your plant daily to see if the wilting stops. If the soil remains saturated without ever drying out, improve the site's drainage.