Home Garden

Smoked White Sage

Native Americans ceremonially smoked white sage. This act, referred to as smudging, is used for clearing negativity from spaces and auras. Sage emits negative ions, similar to those discharged by running water or a waterfall. The aura, which holds positive ions, is instantly refreshed by the neutralizing effect of smoked sage.
  1. Harvesting and Drying

    • Gather wild white sage by cutting the sprigs from the bush. Avoid harvesting from only one bush or one area. Over-harvesting is regarded as disrespectful by certain tribes. Dry the sage sprigs in the sun until they are slightly brittle. Use string to tie a small bundle of sprigs together.


    • Light the sage at the tip of the bundle. Once on fire, blow it out. Place the bundle in the room or space to be cleansed. Use a heatproof bowl such as fired pottery or a large seashell.

    Extinguishing the Spirit

    • Never extinguish the sage bundle. Always let it burn out on its own. The spirit of the plant knows when neutralization is complete and negativity is removed. Watch the smoke as if drifts toward the area or person that needs cleansing.