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Grapefruit Seed Extract to Kill Parasites

If you want to strengthen your immune system and get rid of impurities such as parasites in your digestive tract, a natural remedy such as grapefruit seed may be effective. However, it's important to know how much to take and how often to take the supplement, as well as any interactions grapefruit seed extract may have with current medications you're taking, before you use this herbal treatment to rid of your body of harmful parasites.
  1. Antibiotic Properties

    • The Vita Net website asserts that grapefruit seed extract can combat and treat more than 800 strains of bacteria and fungi that can make humans sick. In fact, the website also states that grapefruit seed extract was tested in the 1980s in a comparison study with prescription antibiotics --- the supplement proved to be just as effective as the conventional medications. Grapefruit seed extract may also be helpful to people with immune system disorders. The antimicrobial property of the supplement keeps the immune system from overworking itself, and performs functions such as keeping the intestines free of poisons and equipping the body to better fight off illness.

    Flushing Toxins

    • Because of the ability grapefruit seed extract has to remove impurities from the digestive tract, including E. coli and diphtheria, the supplement may be helpful in treating food poisoning. Dr. Jacob Harich observes that grapefruit seed extract is strong enough to push toxins out of the body because it doesn't turn into compost material when used for soil. This means it has the ability to keep diseases away from plants, as well as helping the intestinal tract to excrete harmful substances.


    • The Web MD website states that doctors are not certain of the absolute highest dosage of grapefruit seed oil that is safe for humans. Individuals will need to take varying amounts based on the severity of their condition or the strength of the parasites and impurities in the digestive tract. It's best to talk to with your doctor before taking grapefruit seed extract, especially if you're currently taking other medications or have preexisting health conditions. Following the dosage directions on the bottle of grapefruit seed extract capsules or liquid is advisable as well.

    Additional Benefits

    • Besides getting rid of parasites, grapefruit seed extract may also be an effective treatment for relieving stress, getting rid of headaches and alleviating depression, according to Web MD. Grapefruit seed extract is also safe for animals, so you can administer the oil or capsules in your pet's food to extract parasites. The extract is also a proven treatment for eczema and artherosclerosis, and aids in weight loss.