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What Is the Difference Between Helonias & False Unicorn Root?

False unicorn root and helonias root are common names for the same herb: Chamaelirium luteum. It is part of the Liliaceae family and other common names for the herb are blazing star, starwort, colic root, devil's bit, fairy wand, star grub root or grub root. False unicorn root is a perennial herb that grows wild along the eastern regions of the United States and Canada, and in the western states' woodlands and meadows.
  1. Plant Characteristics

    • False unicorn root grows between 1 and 3 feet tall and is erect without branches. The bright green leaves cluster at the bottom like other types of lilies and are smooth and oval-shaped. In the summertime, it blooms long, narrow spikes of inconspicuous white or pale yellow flowers. Helonias root is harvested for its rhizome, which are approximately 1/2 to 2 inches long and curved-shaped long a horn -- hence its name false unicorn root.

    At-Risk Species

    • Helonias root is in danger of becoming extinct, according to the United Plant Savers, an organization dedicated to protecting medicinal plants and their environments in the United States and Canada. Because of its highly valued medicinal properties, false unicorn is harvested in the wild at a quicker rate than it can replenish at. It's not commercially cultivated in high enough amounts to balance out the supply and demand of the herb.

    Growing Helonias Root

    • Because helonias root is mainly harvested from its natural habitat and not widely grown, tried-and-true methods of cultivation have yet to be determined. Herb farmer's that have had success growing false unicorn root did it by replicating the growing conditions found in the herb's natural habitat. Plant helonias root from seed of rhizome cuttings that are at least 1/4 inch long in slightly acidic soil that stays moist but not water-logged. Keep it cool and shaded. Fertilize with organic compost at the beginning of the spring and fall seasons.

    False Unicorn Root Medicinal Uses

    • Herbalists prescribe false unicorn root to women as a uterine tonic, to help ease nausea and vomiting because of pregnancy, and to decrease the risks of miscarriage. It also eases symptoms in menopausal women. False unicorn root also acts as a diuretic and makes urine more alkaline. Medicinal properties are extracted from the rhizome by soaking in alcohol or boiling in water and drinking as a tea. People with gastrointestinal disorders should consult a doctor before taking helonias root because the herb is known to cause gastric upset.