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What Is Black Anise Seed?

Anise seed is the dried fruit of the Pimpinella anisum plant, which is also known as anise, sweet Alice or sweet cumin. The fruit, or seeds, can be used as a flavoring for foods, and the oil that's obtained from the seeds is used as an ingredient in perfumes, medicines and toiletries. Black anise seeds come from anise that grows wild in the La Sila mountain range located in the center of Calabria, Italy. Black anise seeds have a very intense licorice flavor. This seed isn't usually sold in stores, but it can be found online where it sells for around $65 per oz.
  1. Description

    • Anise is an herb that's related to carrot. Its lacy leaves resemble parsley, which it's also related to, and it produces large, loose clusters of yellow flowers. The greenish-brown, ridged seeds, which are about 1/6 inch long, are curved and taste like licorice. Anise plants grow to be about 2 feet tall. Anise is native to the Mediterranean area, but grows in Europe, India, Mexico, North Africa and Russia.

    Similar Plants

    • Several plants are easily confused with anise because they, too, have a licorice taste. Florence fennel, or sweet anise, is related to anise and has a similar, but more delicate flavor. Florence fennel is used as a vegetable, but it can be used as a substitute for anise when cooking. Star anise is not related to anise, although it, too, has a licorice-like flavor. Star anise is a small evergreen tree native to China that produces star-shaped fruit. Anise-hyssop is a member of the mint family and tastes like a combination of mint and anise. It is not a related plant either.

    Culinary Uses

    • Anise seeds and the oil that's extracted from them have been used as a food flavoring since antiquity. Today they're used to flavor a wide range of foods including curry powder, cheese, bread, pastries, candies, soups, cakes and nonalcoholic beverages. They're also used to flavor liqueurs like anisette and arak. Anise can also be used to enhance the taste of carrots, curries and Scandinavian breads. It's purchased as whole seeds or as a ground powder. Crushing whole seeds with a mortar and pestle, just before use, releases the best flavor.

    Medicinal Uses

    • Ancient Egyptians used anise 4,000 years ago as a diuretic, to treat problems with digestion and to alleviate toothaches. Ancient Greeks also used it as a diuretic, as a pain-reliever and to help breathing problems. Today, oil of anise is used as an expectorant in cough medicines and to treat digestive problems like bloating. It's also used as an antispasmodic and antiseptic, and as a treatment for asthma and bronchitis. However, while the oil is considered safe to use as a flavoring for food, it can cause vomiting, seizures and fluid in the lungs, when ingested in large enough quantities. In addition, anise may cause abortions and large amounts of it shouldn't be used during pregnancy. In addition, it can irritate the skin and cause an allergic reaction.