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Anise Oil Benefits

Anise is a flowering plant that is native to the Midwestern areas of Asia. Anise is very aromatic and smells similar to black licorice. It is sometimes called Aniseed, and the scientific name is Pimpinella Anisum. The oil that is derived from the seeds and sometimes the leaves of the Anise plant is used for many different things, both medicinally and for culinary works. The goal of this article is to explain the numerous benefits of Anise oil.
  1. Benefits of Consuming Anise Oil

    • Anise oil lends a great, deep and spicy flavor to herbal teas, meat dishes, drinks and other foods. Not only does Anise oil taste great, but it can pack some mighty benefits to the individual who consumes it. Anise oil is wonderful for digestion and helps prevent and relieve painful gas and bloating.
      According to Pliny the Elder, a roman naturalist, anise is great for sleeplessness when chewed with alexanders and a small amount of honey. When drank in tea, anise oil is great for relieving flatulence, indigestion and other stomach disorders. The tea is also great for bronchitis and chest congestion.

    Anise Oil for Pain Relief

    • Anise oil has mild numbing effects on certain kinds of pain. It is most widely known for helping ease the pain of toothache when applied directly to the base of the tooth that is causing the pain. When massaged into the abdomen, Anise oil helps alleviate menstrual cramps and other stomach pains or cramps.

    Aromatherapy with Anise

    • Anise has a deep calming aroma, and the aromatherapy benefits are similar to that of Roman Chamomile. It acts as the perfect calming scent when mixed with carrier oil and added to an oil burner. Place a few drops in a bathtub full of warm water to induce relaxation and calm. This method can also be used to open bronchial tubes, as Anise is a bronchio-dilator.

    Mild Cuts and Skin Abrasions

    • Anise is mildly antiseptic and therefore a good oil to use for small cuts or skin abrasions. The oil should always be mixed with carrier oil and rubbed gently on the skin. Anise should not be used on deep or severe cuts or puncture wounds.

    Warnings and Tips for Using Anise Oil

    • Although Anise oil is extremely beneficial, it's important to ask a qualified herbalist before using the oil. Most essential oils are incredibly potent and must be mixed with diluter or carrier oil such as Olive oil. For massages and skincare, Anise oil can also be mixed with Shea butter that is pure and unrefined. Experts suggest mixing one to two drops of Anise oil with 1 tbsp. of carrier oil before using. No more than two to three drops should be used in foods or drinks. Pregnant women or women who may be nursing should not consume Anise oil.

