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What Is Verbascum?

Verbascum (Verbascum thapsus) is more commonly known as Great Mullein (rhymes with sullen). It is sometimes called Bunny's Ears, Flannelleaf, Aaron's Rod and Jacob's Staff.
  1. Description

    • Verbascum is a biennial herb that can grow up to 8 feet. In its first year, large, velvety leaves appear. The following year a tall spire rises up where, over the summer, yellow flowers appear. It is hardy in zones 4 to 10.


    • Verbascum can often be found growing along roadsides, in pastures or in fields. It also makes a nice addition to the back of the garden.

    How to Grow

    • This plant needs full sun and well-drained soil. It should be protected from strong winds. Verbascum can be grown from seeds in late summer or early fall. It does not take well to transplanting.


    • Verbascum has been around since ancient times when, during funeral processions, the stems were lit and carried as torches.

    Medicinal Uses

    • Verbascum was often used as a wound dressing, herbal tea and cough remedy. The flowers were often used as dyes.