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How to Make a Dream Pillow With Chamomile

Chamomile has a mildly sedative effect, which has resulted in many herbalists using it to treat such ailments as colic in babies and menstrual cramps in women. Many people also use it in teas to help them sleep at night. The flowers of chamomile have a slight apple-like fragrance, which is also relaxing, making their use popular among aromatherapists. You need not rush out to either an herbalist or an aromatherapist, however. You can enjoy the benefits of chamomile every night by using the apple-scented flowers in a small dream pillow. A chamomile dream pillow is incredibly easy for anyone to make.

Things You'll Need

  • Two 6-inch squares of material
  • Two cups of dried chamomile flowers
  • Needle and thread
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  1. How to Make a Dream Pillow With Chamomile

    • 1

      Place the squares of material with the right sides facing in. (Note: You do not have to use really nice pieces of fabric. You can use scraps or even two washcloths.) Sew up three sides.

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      Turn the material right side out.

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      Stuff the pillow loosely with two cups of dried chamomile flowers. Sew closed the remaining side that is open. (Note: If you plan on ever changing the stuffing of your pillow, make sure that you sew the fourth side loose enough to be able to cut the seams open, but not so loose that bits of the herb falls out during the night.)

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      Place your chamomile dream pillow between your regular pillow and the pillowcase. Sweet dreams!