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Uses for Lemon Balm Herb

Lemon balm has many uses that fall under the categories of medicine, cooking, skin care and metaphysical practices. Centuries ago, lemon balm was used as a medicinal plant in ancient Turkey. Since then, the popular plant spread to Greece, through Medieval Europe, and eventually to the United States. The herb grows in many parts of the world and is easy to harvest. Drying techniques include using a tray, which is placed out of the way of an air vent. Once dried, the leaves can be turned into scented potpourri.
  1. History

    • For over 2,000 years, lemon balm has been in use as a cure for various types of ailments. During ancient times, it was used to reduce fever, insomnia and for disorders of the nervous system. The herb assisted beekeepers in Greece, keeping the bees satisfied and producing honey because the lemon balm herb supplied a continuous source of food. It would also draw in swarms of the bees to a source where the Greeks could obtain honey sweetener.

    Medical Benefits

    • Used in a tea, lemon balm works to calm nervous tension. Healing ointments are derived from the plant, and are used to ease sores and blisters. By promoting sweating, the herb helps to reduce fevers. Toxins in the digestive track are relieved by a cup of tea a day or a capsule of the lemon balm.

    Cooking Methods

    • Lemon balm, by itself, has a mild minty and lemony taste, which is why it's a popular additive to any dish that needs a bit of mint flavoring. Various foods and drinks that lemon balm can be used in include, tea, asparagus, lamb, poultry, fish and marinade sauces. Place a bit of lemon balm into some black tea for a drink. Use it in a fruit salad to enhance the flavor of mint. Mix some of the herb into chicken to add a zesty touch. Put on fish along with other lemon spices for a lemon-based dish.

    Skin Care

    • Calloused feet will be smooth after using lemon balm lotion on them for a short time period. Lemon balm works well as a facial moisturizer and cleanser to reduce high shine and oil build up. Parched lips, after a cold, windy winter, will benefit from the herb, as it supplies moisture. Wash hair with lemon balm to reduce a greasy texture and add shine. Place a few drops of the essential oil in the bath to for a calming tub retreat. Perfumes made from the plant are fruity and aromatic.

    Spiritual Attributes

    • Metaphysical powers derived from lemon balm include love, success and healing. The herb relates to the Chariot card in the tarot deck. Lemon balm is a water sign. Charms and love spells often use lemon balm. Magical moon uses for the plant include family spells, dream recall, healing, spirituality and fertility. It can be used as a substitution for both rosemary and roses.