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Magical Uses of Ashwagandha Root

Ashwagandha root has been in use for thousands of years in the Ayurveda, a holistic system of wellness indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng, winter cherry, and withania somnifera. The root is an ingredient in magical potions and used in color magic. It is especially useful in love potions, but is also associated with improving depression, and ego and brain function. In most magical potions, only ingredients, not amounts, are listed.
  1. Krishna Magical Potion

    • This potion can be used to balance an under- or overactive ego. It gives the user a better sense of self-worth; the prideful become humble and those with poor self-esteem become more aware of their true abilities through accomplishment. The potions can be purchased online from the witches that make it. This one contains sandalwood, lotus seeds, ashwagandha root, and brandy or vodka.

    Tarot Magical Potion—The Magician

    • Tarot magical potions correspond to tarot cards. The potion on the magician card uses ashwagandha. This card positively represents creativity, talent, confidence and individuality. The potion is a mixture of astragalus, schizandra, ashwagandha, and red wine.

    Tarot Magical Potion—The Fool

    • The Fool card positively denotes fearlessness, excitement, optimism, spontaneity and new beginnings. The card represents challenges and gives the confidence and wisdom to meet them. The recipe calls for any type of ginseng in honey wine. Since ashwagandha root is known as the Indian ginseng, it can be used with this potion. Ashwagandha serves the fool well since it strengthens self-esteem and gives greater awareness of one's abilities.

    Love Motion Potion

    • The resident Wise Woman/Flower Shaman at Flower Power Herbs and Roots in New York’s East Village shares her Valentine’s tea recipe or Love Motion Potion on the store's website. Mix 1/2 oz. of each of the following: damiana, siberian ginseng, and ashwagandha with 1/8 oz. licorice root and 1/12 oz. prickly ash bark. Bring 1.5 pt. water to a boil, add the herbs, and simmer for five minutes on a very low flame. Serve hot or cold.

    Love Potion # 9

    • Flower Power sells Love Potion # 9, which contains avena sativa, turmera aphrodisiaca, eleutherococcus senticosus, urtica dioica, and ashwagandha. It is sold in a tea blend and said to be very powerful.

    Pink in Magic

    • Colors are associated with various magical properties. A color may represent a god or goddess, energy, spiritual forces or people. We all tend to have a favorite color and that in itself is magical. Pink is associated with the female. It promotes love, friendship, harmony and overcomes evil. It is a nurturing color. Winter cherry/ashwagandha is one of several plants associated with the color pink, which makes sense since it is an important ingredient in love and harmony potions.