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Origins of Labiatae Plants

Labiatae, or Lamiaceae, may sound like a mythical creature, but it's actually a word used to categorize several thousand common plants found in the mint family. Most of these plants are valued for their edible and medicinal purposes, and the best part about Labiatae plants is that many of them are probably growing in your backyard this very minute.
  1. Labiatae Plant Types

    • Field of lavender

      The Labiatae family contains about 250 genera and about 7,000 species. Here are some common names of Labiatae Plants that you are probably familiar with: mint, marjoram, basil, catnip, oregano, rosemary, hemp nettle and lavender.

    Origins of Labiatae Plants

    • Most Labiatae Plants are hardy and can grow in many different climates. However, the origins of most Labiatae Plants include warm to hot climates, e.g., the Mediterranean (Marjoram, Sage and Lavender), India (certain species of Basil) and Southeast Asia (certain species of Basil and Mint).

    How to Identify Labiatae Plants

    • Square-shaped stalk and opposite leaves

      One major factor in determining a Labiatae Plant is aroma. However, not all Labiatae Plants will have aromatic oils.

      Other important features to look at when hunting for a Labiatae Plant include a square-shaped stalk and opposite leaves.

      If the plant has these characteristics, it's likely that you've found a Labiatae Plant.

    Buying Labiatae Plants

    • If you don't already have a Labiatae plant flourishing in your backyard, you can certainly pick up Labiatae seeds or sproutlings at a local nursery or food store during warm spring and summer months.

      Because of their hardiness, Labiatae plants are easy to grow and will thrive in a well-lit and well-watered area, whether inside or outside.

    Labiatae Plant Extracts and Other Uses

    • Basil noodles

      Most people grow Labiatae plants to smell and/or eat. Different Labiatae plant extracts have different purposes. For example, people often use lavender extract to calm down, relieve stress or induce sleep, and mint extract, or menthol, is often used in lozenges to relieve a sore throat or sinus blockage.

      Many Labiatae plant extracts are also used in shampoo, soap and lotions to promote soft, healthy skin.

      Besides extracting, Labiatae plants can also be dried or used fresh in cooking to create a full, pleasant flavor to almost any dish.