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Uses of Vinca Rosea

Vinca rosea (Catharanthus roseus) is also referred to as Vinca multiflora. The plant grows 7 to 24 inches in height and blooms with pink, white or rose-purple flowers on sturdy stems abundantly throughout the summer. This herbaceous plant is well tolerant of heat and has a low water need. Vinca rosea is hardy in USDA Zones 9B through 11 and is commonly used for borders, edgings and as ground covers. Vinca has over 400 different alkaloids and the active ingredients known as tannins, which are used for making medicines to treat a number of diseases.
  1. Brain Health

    • Daily supplements made with the active ingredients found in Vinca rosea help to improve blood supply to the brain and increase the level of oxygen and glucose that the brain can effectively utilize. These supplements are also highly effective in preventing the abnormal coagulation of blood and in raising the levels of serotonin, the blood neurotransmitter, in the brain. Serotonins are bunches of neurons in the central nervous system that play a critical role in memory, sleep, appetite, heart function and muscle control. Deficiencies of serotonin are likely to cause schizophrenia, phobias, migraine and bulimia.

    Prevention of Dementia

    • The main alkaloid in Vinca rosea is known as vincamine. Vincamine has blood thinning and memory-enhancing properties and is effective in the treatment of vascular dementia. The condition is caused when the arteries that supply blood to the brain develop plaques. Vascular dementia is the most common dementia after Alzheimer disease. Vascular dementia is not one disease but a number of syndromes related to numerous vascular mechanisms. This form of dementia is a preventable condition and can be corrected with early detection and diagnosis.

    Anti-Cancer Properties

    • Derivatives of Vinca rosea have shown efficacy in the treatment of leukemia and Hodgkin's Disease. Extracts of the plant have demonstrated significant anticancer properties against a number of different cell types. The highest level of efficacy is seen in the multi-drug resistant tumors. The Vinca rosea alkaloids that are used primarily for the treatment of cancer include vinblastin and vincristine.