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Herbs That Grow in Lebanon & Syria

Many herbs that are grown in Lebanon and Syria are important ingredients in well known Middle Eastern dishes, like curry and humus. Due to the spice routes of ancient times some of these herbs were introduced to this region and are know cultivated there, such as cumin. Herbs that grow in Lebanon and Syria are used for cosmetic, culinary and medicinal purposes.
  1. Anise

    • Anise, or Pimpinella anisum, belongs to the carrot family. Anise seed is used in flavoring, cosmetics and for medicinal use. Anise is grown in Syria and is used to flavor Arak, a traditional alcoholic drink in that region.


    • Cumin, or Cuminum cyminum, is a member of the parsley family. Cumin is originally from Egypt, but is grown in Lebanon and Syria. This herb produces a strong scented seed that is used as a spice that is largely used in Middle Eastern and Indian cooking. It is particularly used as a flavoring in curries.


    • Fennel, or Anethum foeniculum, originates from the Mediterranean and the Near East. It is similar in name to fenugreek since the Romans considered the herb to be fragrant hay. Fennel is used as a spice in cooking, in bath and beauty items, and its leaves can be used for food decoration.


    • Fenugreek, or Trigonella foenum-graecum, is native to the Near East (particularly Lebanon and Syria), southern Europe and Asia. Romans once used this herb to feed cattle, hence it's Latin name meaning "Greek hay." Its seed became popular and has since been used as a spice in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine, especially in curry. It has medicinal properties and is known to be an aphrodisiac.