Home Garden

How to Home Process Stevia Plants

The plant Rebaudi's stevia is cultivated for the sweetness of its leaves. Considered by some to be as much as 30 percent sweeter than traditional table sugar, stevia can be grown in the home garden to be used as a sweetener for baked goods, teas and other beverages. The sweetness is in the leaves, which should be harvested before the plant blooms in late summer.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Cookie sheet or large plate
  • Paper towels
  • Spice grinder
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    • 1

      Cut the leaves from the stevia plant just below where the leaf connects to the stem.

    • 2

      Place a layer of paper towels on a cookie sheet or large dinner plate.

    • 3

      Arrange the stevia leaves in a single layer on the paper towels.

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      Place a second layer of paper towels over the leaves. You can add additional layers of leaves and paper towels if you have an abundant supply of leaves.

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      Set the cookie sheet or plate in a warm area of your home, such as a kitchen counter or garage.

    • 6

      Check the leaves daily after the first week of drying. When the leaves are brittle and break apart in your fingers they are fully dry.

    • 7

      Use a spice grinder to grind the dry leaves into a fine powder to use for cooking, baking or sweetening drinks.