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Herbs for Bed Bug Repellents

Bed bugs are making a come back today and are found in bedrooms all over the world. They invade hotels, dorm rooms, apartments and single-family dwellings and feed on humans that are asleep and unaware they have become food. The bugs are hard to find being only about a 1/4 inch long with flat oblong brown to red bodies. They are wingless and have the ability to hide in small crevasse in base boards or in the bed frame. The bites they leave become red, raised areas that itch. There are several herbs that can be used dried, in an infusion or in the form of essential oils to drive them away.
  1. Garlic

    • Garlic has a very strong smell and will keep bed bugs at bay; however the scent can be offensive to the human host as well. Crush cloves of garlic and place in water to come to a boil. Strain the infusion and put it in a spray bottle and spray the affected area.


    • Cayenne is a type of ground pepper that is spicy and hot. It has the ability to deter bed bugs by sprinkling it where the bugs have been seen. Cayenne is bright red and can discolor sheets and mattresses if sprinkled directly on them---and can also discolor white painted base boards. When using on a bed, just sprinkle it in the crevasses of the bed frame.


    • Mint also has a strong scent but this aroma is much more pleasant. Add leaves to boiled water and steep like tea. Strain and spray the infusion on beds and around base boards. It is even safe to spray on sheets and mattresses. Also use dry leaves to make a sachet. Place leaves in a square of material or in an unused coffee filter and bring the edges up into a bundle. Secure with a rubber band and place between the mattress and box springs. It is also helpful to place sachets in luggage when traveling to keep the insects out and prevent them from being brought home.


    • Lavender also has a sweet smell and is a great alternative to chemicals to get rid of bed bugs. Use it in the same way as mint, or get the essential oil, dilute it with water and spray it where it will do the most good.

    Other Herbs

    • Many other herbs---such as rosemary, eucalyptus, cloves, thyme and bay leaves---also help with bed-bug infestation. Combine them in a sachet or infusion. Essential oils of the herb are used to create a strong deterrent. Tea-tree oil placed on cotton balls or rubbed into a mattress also works well.