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Cultivation of Turmeric

Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is a spice widely used in Indian cuisine. In addition to giving curry its pungent flavor and deep yellow color, it is also used in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for skin conditions, digestive problems and inflammation.
  1. Identification

    • The University of Maryland Medical Center describes the turmeric plant as a perennial with dull-colored yellowish flowers. It grows to be between 5 and 6 feet tall. Turmeric grows underground stems called rhizomes that are used in medicinal and culinary preparations.

    Growing Turmeric

    • Purchase a healthy turmeric rhizome from an international grocery store. Place it in a small container with just enough compost to cover the roots. Place the container in a plastic bag and leave it in a warm area for approximately 3 weeks until shoots form. Plant the turmeric in a partly shady spot when the shoot is 2 inches tall. Keep the soil moist and fertilize weekly.

    Harvesting Turmeric

    • Uproot the turmeric rhizomes between 9 and 10 months after planting. Green Harvest.com explains that the lower leaves will turn yellow, and the stems will dry out and fall over when the rhizomes are mature. The rhizomes must be boiled, dried and polished before they are ready to use.