Home Garden

A Substitute for Lemongrass

Lemongrass is a lemon-scented and flavored herb used in cooking and potpourri. The leaves are also used in teas and poultices for indigestion, stress and muscle pain. When lemongrass is not available, lemon balm and lemon verbena can be substituted.
  1. Lemon Balm

    • Use lemon balm in any recipe calling for lemongrass.

      Lemon balm has a strong scent and flavor with just a hint of mint. Add fresh whole leaves to tea, wine and fruit salads. Chop fresh leaves to add them to cheese and dips or use as a garnish on fish. Additional benefits include relief from nausea, insomnia and headache.

    Lemon Verbena

    • Finely chop lemon verbena leaves before adding to cakes and other recipes.

      Lemon verbena has an intense lemon flavor and fragrance. When cooking it in place of lemongrass, start with half the amount you would use for lemongrass and add more if desired. Finely chop the leaves before adding to tea, cakes, sauces or other recipes. Lemon verbena is also used in a tea as a mild sedative, for stomach cramp relief and to alleviate nasal congestion.


    • Test a small amount of poultice before applying to large areas.

      Using lemon verbena in large amounts for extended periods of time may cause stomach irritations. When using any of these herbs as a poultice, test a small amount on the wrist to check for an allergic reaction before using. If skin irritation occurs, do not continue use and try an alternative.