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Wild Yam Uses

Wild yam might sound like a food, but it is actually an herb with many medicinal uses. Wild yam is used to treat a wide variety of conditions including menstrual cramps, coughing and colic, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. It is often used to treat basic aliments, although some women have used wild yam to control menopausal symptoms. However, no studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the herb for specific estrogen-related conditions.
  1. Immune Boosting

    • Wild yam is an herb, derived from actual yams. The root vegetable is ground up and the powder is used as an herbal remedy. The World's Healthiest Foods website reports this root contains fiber, vitamin C, potassium, b-vitamins and other minerals. For thousands of years, people have been using wild yam herbal tea and powder to boost their immune function. The University of Maryland Medical Center states wild yam is used to treat coughs. Coughs result from of a weakened immune system when a person suffers from a cold. Drink wild yam tea or add wild yam powder to your food. This herb is also available in capsule form at your local health food store.


    • Wild yam is also used to treat amenorrhea. Amenorrhea is described as the absence of a menstrual cycle. Normal amenorrhea occurs in young girls is who have not reached puberty. This symptom is abnormal when a woman or teenage girl stops having her period. Stress, medications, weight loss or a medical condition can cause this condition. Wild yam affects the body like estrogen does, making it useful to stimulate a woman's period, in addition to reducing menstrual cramps. Wild yam balances hormones, but studies to fully evaluate the safety and effectiveness of this herb for hormone therapy are lacking.


    • The University of Maryland Medical Center states wild yam reduces inflammation in the body, although more studies need to be done. A reduction in inflammation alleviates muscle spasms, allergies and asthma. Vitamin C is one of the main nutrients in wild yams, and this vitamin has been linked to reducing inflammation.