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Licorice Mint Plant

The licorice mint plant, also known by the name anise hyssop, has the botanical name of Agastache foeniculum. Classified as a wildflower by botanists and as a herb by culinary herb specialists, it is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Recently created hybrids offer peppermint or spearmint scents.
  1. Description

    • Licorice mint is a perennial plant that grows 2 to 4 feet tall. Typically grown in gardens, it has bright green leaves and its spring flowers have a light purple color. This plant gives off a curious mix of licorice and mint fragrances.


    • Commonly found in north-central North America, this plant is ideal for gardens in USDA zones 4 through 9. When licorice mint is in the wild, it blooms all summer long; however, in the garden it doesn't bloom until late summer.


    • Licorice mint is a popular choice as a sweetener in tea and as a breath freshener. The flowers and leaves added to a salad will give a mint flavor. Planting this plant will also bring bees and birds to your garden as they enjoy the nectar of the flowers.