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Healing Herbs & Plants

Look no further than the green earth for a treatment the next time you feel ill at ease. Choose from a variety of healing herbs and plants to cure what ails you. There are healing herbs and plants for everything from arthritis pain to viral invaders. The gel from the Aloe vera plant is effective in treating everything from psoriasis to sunburn. Brew lavender tea as a treatment for anxiety or headaches. Choose a healing plant or herb as a chemical-free alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.
  1. Digestive Herbal Aids

    • Choose from a variety of medicinal herbs and plants to aid digestion. Relieve chronic constipation by sipping herbal tea with dandelion leaves and gentian (Gentiana lutea) root. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) stimulates the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys and enables the removal of toxins from the body. The Herbs 2000 website reports chamomile, fennel, lemon balm and peppermint are effective healing herbal remedies for the immediate cessation of indigestion. The pulp from the small pasque flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) can reduce the production of gas and ease bloating and heartburn.

    Antibacterial Herbs and Plants

    • Echinacea purpurea, more commonly known as purple cornflower, offers natural antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. This antibacterial herb helps the body's immune system destroy growths of microorganisms. Echinacea is an effective treatment for colds and flus because it invigorates the production of white blood cells. Buchu, chaparral, garlic, goldenseal, myrrh, red clover and yellow dock join echinacea as other herbs commonly used as natural antibiotics.

    Antispasmodic Herbs and Plants

    • Antispasmodic herbs and plants ease muscle cramps, alleviate muscular tension and quiet psychological tension. The Hopkins Technology website recommends cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) for tight muscles resulting from sports injuries. Black haw (Viburnum prunifolium) is effective in treating menstrual cramps. Asthmatics may want to consider grindelia or lobelia as a homeopathic treatment for asthma and other bronchial conditions. Some antispasmodic herbs are also useful in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). According to the Alive website, IBS sufferers have found wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), ginger, (Zingiber officinale), chamomile, fennel and peppermint to be herbs soothing to the intestinal tract.

    Herbal Aphrodisiacs

    • According to the Healthcare Information Directory website, damiana and kava kava are herbs that can trigger an aphrodisiac effect. The website cautions that neither herb is safe for pregnant women and may affect hormone levels if taken too often. Use Damiana to help combat anxiety, low energy, emphysema, depression and constipation. Women afflicted with menopausal side effects such as hot flashes, low estrogen and low sex drive may benefit from the use of damiana. Taking damiana can help men with impotency, infertility and prostate inflammation. Kava kava can stimulate a tingling sensation in the genitals, lessen anxiety and help with focus.