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What is Vitex Agnus-Castus?

The Vitex agnus-castus, or chastetree shrub, is native to Asia and the Mediterranean. The tree's fruit has medicinal properties. Medieval monks allegedly used the herb to decrease the libido, which is how the plant earned its common name.
  1. Identification

    • Chastetree grows between 15 and 20 feet tall with a 10 to 15 foot spread. The plant has dark grayish-green leaves that grow opposite one another in groups of five to seven. It produces long clusters of pale lilac, deep blue or dark purple flowers followed by light colored, peppercorn-sized fruits.


    • Vitex agnus-castus affects the hormones that control reproductive cycles, according to RxList. Women have used the herb for thousands of years to lessen the symptoms of menopause. It eases the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome such as depression, bloating and breast pain. Vitex may also help women become pregnant and prevent miscarriage.


    • Do not use Vitex agnus-castus in combination with birth control pills or hormone replacement medication, as it may decrease their effectiveness. The herb also affects chemicals in the brain such as dopamine, so avoid using it in combination with antipsychotic drugs or medications prescribed for Parkinson's disease.