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Dangerous Side Effects of Licorice Root

Known for its sweet flavor, licorice root is a medicinal herb that treats a wide rage of disorders. The University of Maryland's Medical Center explains that both Eastern and Western medicine have used licorice root for thousands of years as a comforting demulcent, as well as an expectorant, eliminating mucus and phlegm from inside the body. Like any medicinal herb, licorice root must be consumed with caution or some negative consequences may occur.
  1. High Blood Pressure

    • Licorice contains glycyrrhizin, which acts similar to a hormone found inside the body. This hormone, aldosterone, allows the kidneys to achieve a healthy balance of sodium and potassium. An increase of aldosterone causes the body to retain sodium and release potassium, causing high blood pressure. Since glycyrrhizin mirrors aldosterone, introducing it into the body will lead to an imbalance of sodium and potassium, elevating blood pressure. Note that glycyrrhizin can accumulate inside the body over time, so consume it in small quantities, avoiding long-term use. Whether consuming licorice root or tea, avoid European sources, which tend to contain higher levels of glycyrrhizin.

    Potassium Deficiency

    • Since the glycyrrhizin found in licorice root causes the body to release potassium, people who consume the substance can suffer from potassium deficiency. Consequently, the body can experience an irregular heart beat caused by the deficiency. In addition, muscle damage may occur, affecting its ability to contract properly. Women taking oral contraceptives show greater risk of developing potassium deficiency while taking licorice root tea or supplements.

    Reduces Efficiency of other Drugs

    • Individuals who take other prescriptions, including corticosteroids, ace inhibitors and diuretics, should consult a physician prior to consuming licorice root in any form. In some cases, ingesting licorice root along with these drugs will decrease their capacity to function. In other cases, consuming licorice root with prescriptions, such as MAO inhibitors and digoxin, will actually enhance the performance or side effects of those drugs.

    Additional Warnings

    • Avoid consuming licorice root in any form if you suffer from heart problems, including heart failure and heart disease. People with diabetes and hypertension should also avoid consuming licorice products. Other individuals who should not consume licorice root include women who are pregnant or nursing, as well as those suffering from kidney or liver disease.