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How to Germinate Mustard Seeds From a Spice Rack

Many people enjoy the sweet and spicy taste of mustard sprouts, or small green sprouts that are made from germinated mustard seeds. They can be found for purchase in some natural food stores, but the easiest and quickest way to get an abundance of mustard sprouts is to germinate the mustard seeds already on your spice rack at home. The process is simple enough to be foolproof and yields delicious sprouts in just days.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic container
  • Cotton wool
  • Plastic spray bottle
  • Mustard seeds
  • Thin cloth
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Line a plastic container with cotton wool, which can be found in craft stores or online. Add enough cotton wool to line the bottom 2 inches of the container.

    • 2

      Spray the cotton wool with water using a plastic spray bottle. The cotton should be damp but not soaked.

    • 3

      Pour some mustard seeds across the top of the damp cotton wool and set a piece of thin cloth over the top.

    • 4

      Set the bowl on a windowpane that gets partial sunlight. If the bowl is subject to direct sunlight for longer than an hour or so, move it away to avoid killing the seeds.

    • 5

      Periodically check to make sure the cotton wool is still damp a few times a day.

    • 6

      Wait for three to five days, or until the mustard sprouts are at least an inch long. Cut them away from the cotton with a pair of scissors and eat them as you please.