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What is Panax Ginseng Root?

Panax ginseng also is called Korean or Asian ginseng. The herb has been valued in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. Ginseng roots contain plant chemicals that affect many different areas of the body.
  1. Features

    • Asian ginseng roots contain chemical compounds called ginsenosides that may be responsible for the herb's positive effects. Approximately 6 million Americans regularly use ginseng. Some people use the herb as a stimulant to make them feel more energetic, while others claim that it improves their concentration and physical stamina. Ginseng also lessens the symptoms of anxiety and depression and boosts the immune system.

    Additional Benefits

    • According to the Mayo Clinic, ginseng reduces blood sugar levels in patients who suffer from type two diabetes. The herb also has antioxidant properties that help patients who have cardiovascular problems. Some research suggests that ginseng also lowers cholesterol; however, the website warns that more studies are needed to validate this theory.


    • Panax ginseng speeds up the nervous system. A combination of panax and caffeine may cause high blood pressure and an increased heart rate. Do not use panax ginseng along with insulin or diabetes medication, since both products lower the blood sugar. Consult a physician before using panax with any other prescription or over-the-counter medications.