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What is Berberis?

Berberis vulgaris, or the common barberry, has been used for more than 2,500 years. It is an important part of traditional Indian medicine. Barberry herb is thought to address a variety of medical conditions.
  1. Identification

    • Barberry is a shrub that grows to be around 9 feet tall. It has thorny gray branches and small yellow flowers that bloom between April and June. Clusters of red berries replace the flowers during the fall. The plant is hardy to zone 3 on the USDA Plant Hardiness Map and is not frost-sensitive.


    • The barberry plant's stems, fruits and root bark contain a plant alkaloid called berberine. Berberine has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anticonvulsant effects. It kills bacteria and parasites, lowers blood pressure and improves digestion. It improves the symptoms of respiratory tract infections and eases the pain of urinary disorders.


    • Barberry does not cause side effects when it is taken at the appropriate dosage, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. High doses cause nosebleeds and vomiting. Barberry may decrease the efficiency of antibiotics or blood-thinners and increases the effects of antihistamines.