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Organic Medicinal Herb Plants

Organic medicinal herbs are plants found to have medical benefits when consumed. The use of medicinal herbs dates back to the beginning of recorded history, when ancient civilizations used such herbs to cure common ailments. While herbs can be used to help counterbalance negative effects of certain medical conditions, never consume a medicinal herb without first discussing the plant and its compounds with your physician.
  1. Cayenne

    • Cayenne has been used for medicinal purposes for nearly 9,000 years, dating back to Native Americans, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. This organic medicinal herb is native to South and Central America, as it thrives in tropical and subtropical environments. The peppers, or fruit, adopt a yellow, red or orange color when ripened and it is the dried fruit of the cayenne plant that is used for medicinal purposes. The active ingredient within cayenne is capsaicin, which hinders the transmission of substance P to the brain. Substance P carries pain signals to the brain; however, due to the depletion of this substance, pain messages are disrupted resulting in pain reduction. Common medicinal uses of cayenne, as stated by the University of Maryland, include psoriasis; joint, nerve and muscle pain; cluster headaches and weight loss.

    Kava Kava

    • Kava kava has been used for a variety of purposes for several hundred years. This medicinal herb is characterized by its relaxing, mood elevating properties. The active compounds within kava kava are kavalactones, which contain muscle relaxing and pain reliving properties. While the use of kava kava is generally safe, the University of Maryland states the FDA has issued a rare risk of potential liver damage, as kava kava can be toxic to the liver if consumed in large, non recommended, dosages. One of the most common medicinal uses of kava kava is to reduce anxiety. Other uses as stated by the University of Maryland include treating insomnia and nervous disorders. Only use kava kava under the direct supervision of a licensed physician due to its toxicity risk.

    Milk Thistle

    • The use of milk thistle dates back over two millennia. This organic medicinal plant is native to the Mediterranean region, and it is characterized by its spiny branches and white leaves, which secrete a milk-like fluid when crushed. The University of Maryland states milk thistle is commonly used to treat alcohol-related liver disease, hepatitis C and mushroom poisoning. The active compound within milk thistle is silymarin, which works to rebuild liver cells and reduce inflammation. The University of Maryland suggests milk thistle products should contain at least 70 percent silmarin to be effective.