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Uses of Acacia Catechu

Acacia catechu, a deciduous thornlike tree has many nutritional, practical and even medicinal uses. This tree is mainly found in India, but it is also found in deciduous forests around the world. The foliage is softly textured, light green and oval-shaped. The branches are thin and spikelike because tiny thorns grow around the exterior. Acacia catechu typically reaches heights of up to 50 feet.
  1. Food

    • This tree provides food for humans and animals. The branches are fed to cattle and goats because they are high fiber and easily digestible. Humans typically don't eat the branches, but they are safe for consumption. These branches are slightly spiny, which is why animals prefer them over humans. The seeds are a good source of protein and fiber. The tree's trunk bark is bitter, so animals typically don't eat it, but it does have medicinal uses.


    • Acacia catechu has dense wood used for firewood and to make furniture, tools and equipment. The tree grows very slowly and its wood usually is not harvested until it is very mature. However, the branches are continually stripped and used while the tree grows because new branches and leaves grow in place of the cultivated foliage.

    Medicinal Uses

    • Acacia catechu extract is used to treat sore throats and digestive problems. The extract derives from boiling wooden pieces in water. Ayurvedic medicine has used this technique for thousands of years. People drink the extract as a tea and sometimes chew the bark to promote healing and freshen breath. An antibacterial mouthwash made from the extract treats gingivitis and mouth sores. You can buy the extract in liquid or pill form at health food stores.