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Antibacterial Properties of Hyssop

Hyssop is an herbaceous plant with natural antibacterial properties useful for treating infections, colds and skin conditions, internally and externally. Antibacterial substances suppress new bacteria growth and kill existing strains. The Natural News website recommends drinking hyssop tea to fight colds and flu. This tea has a bitter mintlike taste, so raw honey or other natural sweeteners can be added. You also can use hyssop oil directly on wounds and cuts. The oil's antibacterial properties protect the skin from germs that cause infections.
  1. Alkaloids

    • Hyssop varieties like Mexican wild, water and others contain active alkaloids. MedicineNet describes alkaloids as nitrogen-containing chemicals made by plants. Some alkaloids are harmful; others are beneficial to the body; some herbs provide benefits, others cause intoxication. The main alkaloids in hyssop are monoterpenoids, which fight infection and protect the body.


    • Hyssops are also high in flavonoids. According to the University of Oregon, flavonoids are compounds with antioxidant effects because they contain high amounts of vitamin C and other nutrients. Antioxidants protect cells and boost immunity. Flavonoids also have antibacterial properties, protecting tissues and preventing foreign invaders. such as viruses and bacteria, from causing damage. The World's Healthiest Foods website states that flavonoids act like antibiotics by disrupting the function of microorganisms.


    • Hyssop contains potent antibacterial substances called tannins. These compounds act as an astringent to protect the skin from infection and reduce inflammation. Tannins are what gives hyssop its bitter taste. All of the antibacterial bacterial properties of hyssop work together to create a potent mix of immune-boosting protection. Apply hyssop oil to cuts or other wounds and drink hyssop tea to boost your immune system during cold season.