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What is Panax Ginseng Extract Used for?

Panax ginseng, also known as Chinese ginseng, is a low-growing, red-berried shrub in the Ivy family native to Asia. It is different from Siberian ginseng or American ginseng. Panax ginseng root has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years as a medicinal tincture or extract.
  1. Relief from Stress and Fatigue

    • Panax ginseng increases vitality and reduces stress.

      The name "Panax" is derived from the Greek "panacea," meaning "cure-all." This herb possesses a multitude of beneficial qualities. It is perhaps best known for its ability to keep harmful stress and anxiety at bay. In Western herbalism, Panax ginseng is referred to as an adaptogen, or an herb that helps people adapt to rigorous or stressful situations. In traditional Chinese medicine, Panax ginseng is lauded for its ability to increase energy in young and vital people, while exerting a calming and restorative influence on older individuals.

    Improved Mental Acuity

    • Panax ginseng is also commonly used to improve mental alertness. People working jobs that require continuous attention and mental effort may benefit from taking Panax ginseng extract.

    Sexual Vitality

    • One of Panax ginseng's traditional uses is as an aphrodisiac, particularly for men. An ancient Chinese medical document now residing at the British Museum mentions it as an ingredient for a "love potion." Today it is used to treat erectile dysfunction.

    Cancer Prevention

    • Taking ginseng regularly may also prevent lung, liver, stomach, pancreatic and ovarian cancer. This herb not only increases life's quality, it may also increase its length.

    Other Uses

    • Panax ginseng extract has been used to treat colds, flu, bronchitis, anemia, depression and digestive problems.