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Uses of Hibiscus Tea

Often grown for its showy flowers, hibiscus is a multipurpose shrub, with a long history as an edible and medicinal plant. It is high in Vitamin C and is believed to be an anti-oxidant, making it a common ingredient in many herbal teas.
  1. Benefits

    • Hibiscus tea has a wide range of benefits. Its anti-oxidant qualities help reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure. It is also believed to improve anemia and control body temperature. In some cultures, it is used as an antibiotic, especially for urinary tract infections, and is often used in treating mild stomach upsets, such as constipation and nausea.


    • According to a study done in 2004 by Herrera-Arellano, Flores Romero et al, hibiscus tea lowers mild to moderate hypertension. In the study, the effects of the tea were compared to the prescription medication, catopril. After four weeks of daily use, both products produced similar results.


    • Care must be taken with hibiscus tea, even though it is considered safe to drink with few known drug interactions. It can cause low blood pressure when combined with medications to treat hypertension. In addition, there are several varieties of hibiscus, and not all of them are edible. If you are making homemade tea, ensure that you are using the correct plant.