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What Is Purple Sticky Salvia?

Very fine, sticky-to-the-touch "hairs" that line the leaves of the purplish-tinted Salvia divinorum plant provide inspiration for the name of this herb. It has been historically utilized as a tool for meditation and religious ceremony.
  1. Identification

    • The purple sticky salvia shrub is a member of the mint family and a species of the genus Salvia L., also known as common sage --- the same sage used as a flavoring and cooking additive. While ingestion of Salvia L. fails to alter the mind in any manner, consumption of Salvia divinorum brings about a variety of hallucinogenic effects.


    • Those who smoke or chew the leaves of purple sticky salvia notice both immediate and relatively brief impact. "Effects have been described as intense but short-lived, appearing in less than 1 minute and lasting less than 30 minutes," says the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Intoxication is provided by the chemical ingredient Salvorin A.


    • The United States Drug Enforcement Administration lists Salvia divinorum as a "drug of concern," but, as of November 2010, no federal law exists regulating the cultivation, possession, use or sale of purple sticky salvia. However, a number of states and various countries have enacted legislation to control various aspects of the substance.