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The Best Home Remedy to Clean Your Face

Day to day life in a polluted congested world can easily coat the skin on your face with contaminants, adding to the oil that your skin produces naturally. Unfortunately, this can create an environment where your face often breaks out with acne or simply seems very lackluster. Luckily, there are all natural home remedies that you can create that will cleanse your face just as thoroughly as anything you buy in stores.
  1. Steam

    • Sometimes the best solution is the simplest one. Steaming your face with the vapor from boiled water can cleanse it from deep within your pores. Skin that is prone to acne is often very sensitive, and steaming is a way to cleanse the pores without irritating the skin with harsh chemicals. This method prevents blackheads and the build up of contaminants; all things which lead both to acne and a less glowing complexion in general.

    Witch Hazel and Baking Soda

    • Witch hazel is a natural astringent that soothes and refreshes the skin. Baking soda acts as a natural exfoliating agent, to clear off dead skin cells and revitalize the skin. You can make your own cleansing face mask at home by mixing baking soda and witch hazel so that they form a paste. Cat the paste over your face completely, in a thick layer. Leave the paste on for around 15 minutes, letting it penetrate down into your pores. Rub the baking soda into your skin, letting it exfoliate the top layer. Rinse your face with warm water.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Apple cider vinegar has a reputation as being a powerful home remedy for many health issues. It can help regulate digestion and revitalize the skin internally. Externally, it's a natural astringent. Dab some apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and wipe it across the surface of your skin for cleansing without irritation. Alternatively you can use baking soda and apple cider vinegar to form a paste and cleanser, which exfoliates and penetrates for a deep cleansing.