Home Garden

How to Use Lemon Balm Leaves

Lemon balm is a hardy perennial herb in the mint family that grows as a bush. The light green leaves of this herb have ridges around their outer area. This herb has calming properties; it is thought to ease pain and increase appetite. Lemon balm leaves are used either fresh or dried. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a doctor before ingesting lemon balm.


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      Make hot or cold tea with fresh lemon balm leaves. Boil 2 quarts of water. Rinse the fresh lemon balm leaves. Add 2 cups of the leaves to the boiling water and reduce the heat. Steep the leaves for about 15 minutes. Add some honey as a sweetener, if desired. Drink the tea hot or pour the tea into an ice-filled glass.

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      Dry the herb to use in crafts. Hang the herb in bundles in a dry, airy place. Use the bundles to make a kitchen wreath, along with bundles of other dried herbs. Attach these bundles to a wreath form using floral tape or wire. Hang the wreath in the kitchen, and use the dried herbs when cooking.

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      Pull the dried leaves away from their stems, and use them with a combination of other herbs to make a potpourri. Add dried peels from citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, and some dried flowers. Lemon balm works well with other fragrant herbs like lemon verbena, lavender and chamomile. Use the potpourri throughout your home in a decorative bowl placed on stands or shelves. Place the potpourri in sachets or decorative pillows. Put some of the potpourri in a vase with a dried or silk flower arrangement.